
Our long-suffering Treasurer, Mike Thorn, has indicated, to quote:  "If anyone is interested in taking over as treasurer, I would not object!"

I, too, often make that remark about being President, so:

Is anyone interested?

Secretary/Treasurer, Job Requirements

  --well organized, willing and able to keep club records, especially the membership roster and bank account

  --willing  and able to have name placed on signature card with bank for Osage Orange Sharpshooters account.  Do the banking.

 --willling and able to become a notary, at club's expense 

  --able to deal with constant stream of questions about club membership and dues, including signing people up and mailing out membership cards in a timely manner

  --able to attend most club matches 

 --able to deal with a club President who doesn't keep records and rarely submits receipts, yet wants money.

President, Job Requirements

Many clubs delegate some or all of these duties.  It is possible to create separate positions as club officers to carry these things out.  Right now I do them because it's easier for me to just do it rather than explain to other people what to do.  You may organize the club differently.  We have no bylaws or constitution.  You are the boss.

 --Matches, plan, schedule, register, organize, and run matches

 --Web Pages, make sure we have a web presence

 --Promotional Activties, deal with the CMP and any other entity such as MSSA or MoDOC to try to promote our club

 --Administrative, file club report with CMP each year; make sure the Secretary/Treasurer does most of the work

 --Administrative--continued--sit on the Board of Directors for Springfield Benchrest Rifle club--monthly meetings, dinner provided

 --Anything else you want to do, including eliminating or delegating any of the above items

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