
I am wanting to order a Turner Saddlery National Match sling for an A2 service rifle and would like to know how to determine the length I need.  I thought I could start by measuring the loop length I use for my web sling on the M1, its overall length and the distance from the end of the "set" loop to the butt stock (my shoulder).  I assume the distance from the end of the loop to the butt would be approximately the same for both rifles but I don't know if that is correct.  Also, is the length of the sling the overall length of the fore-end loop or is it sized much like the belt you buy for your jeans?  I am 6ft 2in tall and weigh 205lbs if that is important.  Any help you could give that may be useful for me and anyone else that may reference this discussion in the future would be appreciated.  Thanks, Ed

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