
Here's the National Championships schedule the CMP and NRA have agreed upon (it's 2 pages, July and August).


I understand that Camp Atterbury housing is taking reservations by phone 812-526-1128.

It has been $30 a night share a bathroom, $35 a night private bath, Either way it's a private room with kitchenette....very nice.  Reservation is no-obligation...cancel anytime, no penalty.


I intend to go for the whole Highpower (HPR) program, which is a squadded practice, 2-man team, 4-man team, and 4 days of 60 rounds for record, so seven straight days of shooting.  Arrive on August 8, shoot, complain, attend the awards ceremony which includes an outstanding buffett dinner, and depart on August 16.  If I get really ornery, I may try mid-range, too, but I doubt it.  We'll see what happens. 


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